"'A Thousand Miles' displays an incipient brilliance. Amsel writes art songs. Flowing, melodic and wordy, they are notable for their love of language and richness of imagery. The best, such as 'St. Mark' and 'Little Comfort,' paint precise, moody pictures of places and times."
-The Boston Herald, MA |
"What a fantastic voice! One of those female voices I love so much...powerful and full, but well controlled with just the right amount of occasional quaver and vibrato. It's the kind of a voice that gets you all emotional and drippy."
-Christian Bauman, singer-songwriter, author, Camp Hoboken Founding Memeber |
"Beth, for those who haven't heard her, has a voice that could melt ice. Her voice soars and dips and glides effortlessly, reaching into the soul and expressing the emotions we try to keep inside. Her guitar playing, mostly fingerpicking, is superb, and her songs all dive into what makes us human, highly personal, but universal in scope. No one could keep their attention on anything but Beth. It was amazing."
-Jeff Gilson, Lively Lucy's Coffeehouse |
"Amsel is known for her clear, emotional tunes, like the thoughtful Come Down."
-The Bi-College News, April 27, 1999 |
"Amsel has a rich, beautiful voice that simply soars, and her songwriting and guitar work are extraordinary."
-Robert Smith, The Rutland Herald |
"Beth has a sense of humor that helps establish an almost instant rapport with her audience and fans."
-Jim Sheeler, Boulder Daily Camera Music Writer |
"Her voice, lush and angelic, renders comparison to Sarah McLachlan and Emmylou Harris. Her most recent album, A Thousand Miles, is amazingly powerful and original."
-Paul Kuhn, Cardinal Points, Plattsburgh, NY |
"Crossing Patsy Cline with Sarah McLachlan...Amsel is a fabulous singer."
-Wesley Loy, Anchorage Daily News, AK |