Common Things
Beth Amsel
©2001 Good Egg Music
I cross the border from New Mexico
I'm a refugee from Colorado
With an axe to cut my exile down to size
Kachina dolls hang in the wind
a holy ghost I am born again
in all that I adore and I despise

The radio signal comes from somewhere west of Farmington
and I believe in every word it says

Coming from the point of view
that no one ever knows you
I hoble into town where I am known
I watch the angus cross the flats
the barbed wire fence that hold them back
and in every kink of sharpened steel I'm home

The pleasure of your weathered skin
the thought of knowing thirst again
and summer sere and violent across the plains
This is ressurection still
a lesson, death, and burial
and rise up through the limestone once again

All these commong things
bits and pieces of your life
blown apart and rearranged
and as far as I can tell,
as far as I can tell you're still the same

Grab the gate, I make sure its latched
I bit the end off a red head match
and the sulfur keeps me honest to the core
I scuff the dirt off of my shoes
and hang my head like I'm supposed to
and I drop the wrought iron knocker against the door

All these commong things
bits and pieces of your life
blown apart and rearranged
and as far as I can tell,
as far as I can tell you're still the same

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